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Five Weeks old and mobile.

Never a dull moment now. The little pooh machines are active!! The whelping box has long lost its novelty and their newspaper covered pen too. They are ready to go out in the outdoor pen and they LOVE it. Here are the weekly portraits:

Gaias female pups at five weeks Blog copy

Gaias male pups at five weeks Blog copy

It seems too easy to just give them soft food that they can slurp up in minutes, so I gave them chicken thighs for them to work on. They enjoyed the chewing and it took them so long to eat that they had to sleep after.

Helios munching on chicken thigh

Helios munching on chicken thigh

The outdoors are now so attractive that they are spending most of the day here. I got a friend to build a puppy pen outside:

Outdoor pen with farmer neighbours lamb house.

Outdoor pen with farmer neighbours lamb house.

I borrowed a lamb house from a neighbour so they have a “den” to sleep in and find shelter in. Gaia came to inspect and was immediately seized upon by the pups:

Gaia checking the pups outdoor lamb house.

Gaia checking the pups outdoor lamb house.

Her feeding is now down to a brief mouth full three times a day. I can’t imagine they get very much.

Gaia offering a brief feed to her pups.

Gaia offering a brief feed to her pups.

They seem to appreciate their new hut:

Calypso and Theia in the garden lamb house.

Calypso and Theia in the garden lamb house.

Calypso and Theia

Calypso and Theia

Liver last night was much appreciated:

Pontus munching on raw liver.

Pontus munching on raw liver.