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Dog Beds for Sale

If you are not an expert, it could be confusing to choose a dog bed amongst all the dog beds for sale on line and in shops. If you don’t really know what to look for and what your dog would like, the dog bed market would seem a right jungle to navigate through. There are lots of colours and designs, most of them made to look very fancy.

Here is a simple guide to buying dog beds:  If you want the best quality dog beds, you will need the good, thick ones. Far too many dog beds for sale are thin and I have yet to see one in a shop that was worth it’s money. Dog beds have to be thick at the bottom to make sure your dog is insulated from that cold floor. Clearly, if you buy on line it can be difficult to determine whether the beds are solid and of good quality, but then you can look around in various forums to see what people are saying about their dog beds. In forums people ask each other for advice on both what to feed their dog and all manner of dog things like how long to walk your dog and what to feed it. Many questions are also: “What’s the best dog bed I can buy?” And hey, the answers are full of Tuffies recommendations. It’s amazing how many people use the phrase “You get what you pay for”. Tuffies are not the cheapest, but they certainly last many, many time more than something that cost maybe half that.

Then it’s a question of buying good quality waterproof dog beds. If your dog bed is not waterproof and your dog is NORMAL, ie loves muddy puddles on rainy walks, you will soon get a smelly bed that you want to wash and clean. Here is the dilemma: If you go for a thick, heavy dog bed and it is not waterproof, how on earth will you manage to get it washed? Even if you can squeeze it in to the washing machine, the process is guaranteed to make it grim and lumpy once it has taken hours to dry.

So the perfect solution is to have a heavy, waterproof dog bed. When you need to clean it, you can take it outside and give it hot, soapy water and rinse it off. If you have opted for one with soft, removable covers, you can take those off more often and quickly wash them in the washing machine. They will dry extremely quickly and keep their shape. It is always a question of looking for dog beds for sale that will fit in with your life style, your dog’s life style and your interior. The colours ARE important, but they are the last thing to think about when you buy dog beds. Go for a company that makes good dog beds and hope that they also will show some nice colour designs.